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Descripción del Proyecto

antioch is a Web application for building scalable, interactive virtual worlds. Begun as a MOO-like system for building virtual worlds, the goal was to take the LambdaMOO approach to creating online worlds, and update it in hopes of attracting new players to an old idea. Like many MOO clones before it, antioch uses Python as its internal scripting language. This provides a powerful environment for game authors, while a flexible object model allows for creation of complex in-game objects.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-12-18 07:07

Este es el primer desarrollador oficial de versión preliminar del marco de la realidad virtual Antioquía. Se implementa un entorno basado en texto como MUD-, y se ha actualizado con adornos modernos, como un cliente basado en AJAX y soporte gráfico limitado. Todavía hay mucho por hacer antes de que este está listo para los usuarios menos avanzados, pero si usted ha escrito o programado un MUD antes, usted encontrará un conjunto de herramientas muy estable, con un universo de base definido listos para la expansión.
This is the first official developer preview release of the antioch virtual reality framework. It implements a text-based MUD-like environment, and has been updated with modern trappings such as an AJAX-based client and limited graphical support. There's still a lot to be done before this is ready for less advanced users, but if you've written or programmed a MUD before, you'll find a very stable toolset with a basic defined universe ready for expansion.

2005-10-18 01:35

El juego / marco mundial es esencialmente completa, pero la documentación todavía queda mucho por escribir. Hay una gran cantidad de material muy funcional para jugar, y nada que no sea aplicado en general, sin embargo, se puede escribir como en el código verbal juego.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
The game/world framework is essentially complete, but much documentation still needs to be written. There's a lot of very functional material to play with, and anything that's not implemented yet can generally be written as in-game verb code.

Project Resources