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Descripción del Proyecto

Interleave is a Web-enabled business process automation application. It enables you to model your business process like purchasing, project management, and contract management and make it available online. It's meant to replace processes which currently rely on paper, email, or spreadsheets and it has a very good workflow engine. You can create invoices, export to RTF and PDF based on templates, export to MS Excel, interpret incoming email, and publish your data to the Web.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-06-08 21:46 Back to release list
5.4.2 20100602

Esta versión incluye el soporte para Microsoft Excel 2007, MS Word 2007, y todos los formatos de archivo OpenOffice como plantilla de origen. El selector de la fecha fue reemplazado por un método de usuario más amigable. Todos los errores conocidos fueron corregidos. Esta es una versión de mantenimiento, una gran cantidad de código ha sido reescrito. la producción es ahora Interleave XHTML estricto.
Tags: stable major
This release adds support for MS Excel 2007, MS Word 2007, and all OpenOffice file formats as template source. The date selector was replaced by a more user friendly method. All known bugs were fixed. This is a maintenance release; a lot of code was rewritten. Interleave's output is now XHTML strict.

Project Resources