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Descripción del Proyecto

Jolokia is a fresh way of accessing JMX MBeans remotely. It is different from JSR-160 connectors, as it is an agent based approach that uses JSON over HTTP for its communication. It provides new features for JMX remoting: bulk requests allow for multiple JMX operations with a single remote server roundtrip, there is a fine-grained security mechanism for restricting JMX access on specific JMX operations, JSR-160 proxy mode, and history tracking, to name a few. Jolokia's origins are in jmx4perl. Client bindings in addition to Perl have already been added, and more are planned.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-11-01 09:59 Back to release list

Esta versión menor había corregido algunos errores. También agrega la capacidad para utilizar expresiones regulares para seleccionar los procesos a los que se debe asociar el agente JVM.
Tags: Minor
This minor release fixed some bugs. It also added the ability to use regular expressions for selecting processes to which the JVM agent should attach.

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