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Descripción del Proyecto

Junkie is a real-time packet sniffer and analyzer. It is modular enough to accomplish many different tasks. It can be a helpful companion to the modern network administrator and analyst. Compared to previously available tools, junkie lies in between tcpdump and wireshark. Unlike tcpdump, its purpose is to parse protocols of any depth; unlike wireshark, though, it is designed to analyze traffic in real-time and so cannot parse traffic as exhaustively as wireshark does. In addition, its design encompasses extendability and speed. It has a plug-in system and high-level extension language that eases the development and combination of new functionalities; threaded packet capture and analysis for handling of high bandwidth networks; and a modular architecture to ease the addition of any protocol layer. It is based on libpcap for portability, and well-tested on professional settings.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-03-03 08:19

La función de mantenimiento ha sido sustituida por ganchos (con una compatibilidad por gancho de paquetes). Esto hace más fácil seguir el comportamiento de protocolo. No hay soporte para codificación de transferencia HTTP segmentado.
The continuation function has been replaced by hooks (with a compatibility per packet hook). This makes it easier to follow protocol behavior. There is support for HTTP chunked transfer encoding.

2012-02-15 07:35

Compilado de filtros de paquetes (mucho más rápido que los filtros de examinar, pero con una sintaxis más compleja). Esta versión puede reenviar información de tráfico a otro adicto paralelismo más fácil.
Tags: Stable
Compiled packet filters (much faster than tshark filters, but with a somewhat more complex syntax). This release can forward traffic information to another junkie for easier parallelism.

2011-12-24 08:01

Esta versión incorpora un servidor HTTP básico para esos infelices con los paréntesis. El plugin de escritor ahora puede ser secuencias de comandos de guile. Nueva conexión de seguimiento; más simple, con menos errores. Deduplicación de paquete se realiza ahora por VLAN y/o por ifaces (a menos que estos se contraen por supuesto). Puede utilizar las mismas instalaciones de registro de guile como de C. Hay una forma de enviar información analizada a otro programa a través de un socket. Al reproducir un archivo pcap, ahora puede parche timestamp con la hora actual.
This release adds a basic HTTP server for those unhappy with the parentheses. The writer plugin can now be scripted from guile. New connection tracking; simpler, with fewer bugs. Packet deduplication is now done per VLAN and/or per ifaces (unless these are collapsed of course). You can use the same logging facility from guile as from C. There is a way to send parsed information to another program via a socket. When replaying a pcap file, you can now patch timestamp with the current time.

2011-09-17 06:16

El principal cambio consiste en utilizar dos Guile Guile en lugar de la venerable 1.8. Esto debería resolver muchas cuestiones relacionadas con multi-threading. Abrió las interfaces de red son automáticamente reabierto si bajan temporalmente.
Tags: Stable
The main change is to use Guile 2 instead of the venerable Guile 1.8. This should solve many issues related to multi-threading. Opened network interfaces are now automatically reopened if they go down temporarily.

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