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Descripción del Proyecto

KnProxy is a small PHP based Web proxy that makes use of the cURL module built into PHP. It uses limited server resources while still maintaining performance. KnProxy is aimed to be easy to use and does not inject information into Web pages. It returns the Web page as is, only changing the links to the resources to be proxied. The URL is obfuscated to prevent tracking or URL filtering. KnProxy has extended support for AJAX calls and JavaScript. This tool can be useful in places where the Internet is not as free as intended. It is also good for bypassing school or office firewalls. It is especially optimized to get past the GFW of China.

System Requirements

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2011-10-07 23:14 Back to release list

Esta versión corrige un error en el analizador de URL cuando se trabaja con direcciones URL con escape y comerciales (SF # 3419799). Corrige una errata en el módulo de solicitud http que analizar afectados de encabezados Content-Disposition y varios errores indefinidos de índice cuando se ejecuta en modo estricto PHP.
Tags: url, knHTTP
This release fixes a bug in the URL parser when dealing with URLs with escaped ampersands (SF#3419799). It fixes a typo in the http request module which affected parsing of Content-Disposition headers and several index undefined errors when running in strict mode PHP.

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