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Descripción del Proyecto

Libapmath is a C++ arbitrary precision math library designed to be as convenient as possible, besides performing well. The approach taken is that of choosing names like those in <cmath> and implementing all arithmetic by overloading of operators.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-07-21 23:18 Back to release list

El nuevo esquema de nombres que se introdujo en la versión 1.0 se aplica ahora en más consistenty. Una nueva rutina, real_c:: acumular, proporciona un método rápido para la aplicación de desarrollos en serie, y es probable que se emplyoed en muchas de las funciones exponenciales y trigonométricas en las próximas versiones de la biblioteca. Un error crítico en sqrt ha sido identificado y eliminado. Un error crítico en atan2 ha sido identificado y eliminado.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The new naming scheme that was introduced in
version 1.0 is now applied more consistenty. A new
routine, real_c::accumulate, provides a fast
method for implementation of series expansions,
and is likely to be emplyoed in many of the
exponential and trigonometric functions in
upcoming versions of the library. A critical bug
in sqrt has been identified and removed. A
critical bug in atan2 has been identified and

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