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Descripción del Proyecto

MacTerm (formerly MacTelnet) is a complete terminal emulator for Mac OS X, for use with local or remote applications. It is also available for Classic Mac OS as a remote-only shell. It supports VT100, VT102, VT220, and parts of XTerm and ANSI, UTF-8 and other character sets, very accurate rendering of CP437 for use in BBS games, regular or tabbed windows, a full screen mode that works on up to two displays, dynamic search, powerful macros for entering text, running commands, and opening URLs, extensive preferences, including a flexible coloring and formatting system, Workspaces that spawn commands and auto-arrange windows, Growl notifications, text capture, floating keypads for control keys, and much more.

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2011-06-07 14:56 Back to release list

XTerm es su propia base de emulador. "Color de fondo Borrar" ahora trabaja y es el valor predeterminado, por lo que los programas de toda la ventana se ven mucho mejor. Un error importante que afecta el control-C en la "fiesta" se fijó con problemas de pantalla y otros errores menores. La ventana de la dirección muestra ahora IPv4 e IPv6. archivos guardados sesión recordar el conjunto de macros activos. Rendimiento al pegar texto o arrastrando mejoró.
XTerm is its own base emulator. "Background Color Erase" now works and is the default, so full-window programs look much better. A major bug affecting control-C in "bash" was fixed along with display problems and other minor bugs. The address window now shows both IPv4 and IPv6. Saved session files remember the active macro set. Performance when pasting or dragging text was improved.

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