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Descripción del Proyecto

Metalog is a modern replacement for syslogd and klogd. The logged messages can be dispatched according to their facility, urgency, program name, and/or Perl-compatible regular expressions. Log files can be automatically rotated when they exceed a certain size or age. External shell scripts (e.g., mail) can be launched when specific patterns are found. Metalog is easier to configure than syslogd and syslog-ng, accepts an unlimited number of rules, and has (switchable) memory bufferization for maximal performance.

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2003-04-07 20:18 Back to release list

Mensajes de registro está sincronizada por defecto, y sólo se registra duplicar una vez. Expresiones regulares negativas fueron implementadas, y los programas también pueden ser comparadas con expresiones regulares. La máxima urgencia ahora se puede especificar para cada bloque, y un archivo de PID se crea ahora. Por último, la base de código en su totalidad ha sido limpiado.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Logging is now synchronous by default, and duplicate messages are only logged once. Negative regexps were implemented, and programs can also be matched against regexps. The maximum urgency can now be specified for each block, and a PID file is now created. Finally, the entire code base has been cleaned up.

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