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Descripción del Proyecto

MMBase is an Open Source Java-based content
management system that can be used for publishing
Internet content (e.g. Web sites, mailing lists,
etc). It covers the whole spectrum needed to
import, manage, maintain, export, and publish
information. In other words, it contains
Web-based editors for editorial people to insert,
manipulate, and delete information. MMBase uses a
jsp-taglib for Web designers to publish the
information dynamically.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-10-08 07:06 Back to release list

Este es un parche que contiene algunas características nuevas pequeñas. Ver las notas de publicación para obtener más detalles sobre los 25 temas que son nuevos, fija, o mejorados.
This is a bugfix release that contains a few small new features. See the release notes for more details about the 25 issues that are new, fixed, or improved.

Project Resources