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Descripción del Proyecto

MplayerXP is branch of the well-known mplayer that is based on a new, thread-based core. The main goal of this project is to achieve smoothness of video playback due monotonous CPU loading.

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2002-11-17 15:31 Back to release list

El objetivo principal de esta versión es la interfaz de la aplicación segura de un hilo a demuxer. Además, el bus mastering con Mach64 y tarjetas de Rage128 se añadió, el apoyo a la ffmpeg-decodificador de WMA se añadió, y había muchas otras correcciones, mejoras y nuevas características.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The main goal of this version is the applying of a thread-safe interface to demuxer. In addition, BUS MASTERING with Mach64 and Rage128 cards was added, support for the ffmpeg-wma decoder was added, and there were many other fixes, improvements, and new features.

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