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Descripción del Proyecto

MyNotex is software for taking notes, filing documents, and managing activities. Notes are gathered under different subjects and consist of a title, a date, a tag (keywords) list, and a free-length text. It is possible to change the font, style, color and background color, and to embed pictures. The software can manage paragraph alignment, bullets, and numbered and alphabetic lists with automatic indentation. Each note may have any number of attachments of any type, and there is also a spreadsheet-like grid for managing a list of activities, which is quite similar to those used in project management software. A single MyNotex file contains various notes filed in different subjects.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-05-08 21:32 Back to release list

Esta versión añade la posibilidad de insertar imágenes en el texto de las notas, almacenados en el directorio de archivos adjuntos. Texto puede ser ampliada. pueden insertar símbolos de "actividad" y "actividad para hacer". Para cortar, copiar, copiar como HTML y pegar proporcionó iconos y un menú emergente. Se añadió una función para el envío de la nota actual para el navegador (para impresión). Solucionados muchos errores.
Tags: Stable, Major
This release added the ability to insert images in the text of the notes, stored in the directory of attachments. Text can be zoomed. "activity to do" and "activity done" symbols can be inserted. Icons and a popup menu were provided for cut, copy, copy as HTML, and paste. A function for sending the current note to the browser (for printing) was added. Many bugs were fixed.

Project Resources