Napsack is a specialized multi-threaded client for broadcasting Napster queries across multiple servers. The list of target servers is retrieved from and is user-filterable (based on the number of users, files, or gigs indexed).
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Esta versión incluye una propiedad servers_file que permite Napsack para leer los datos Napigator de un archivo, reimplementa el motor de búsqueda para apoyar la cancelación y la notificación de eventos, añade un estado / barra de progreso, y de derecha se alinea valores numéricos de los resultados de búsqueda gráfica.
Major feature enhancements
This release adds a servers_file property that allows Napsack to read
Napigator data from a file, reimplements the search engine to support
canceling and event notification, adds a status/progress bar, and
right-aligns numerical values in graphical search results.