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Descripción del Proyecto

nVentory is a Ruby on Rails application to manage
inventory in multiple data centers. It can manage
server functionality assignment, customer/server
assignment, racking, and more. It can track which
servers are doing what, and where they are in your
data centers. It allows you to visualize server
locations and rack space with GUI tools.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-08-27 00:14 Back to release list

Ruby y comandos Perl cliente de línea se han añadido. Ambos pueden recoger un montón de datos sobre un nodo y registrarlo con la base de datos. Una capacidad de búsqueda avanzada para los nodos se llevó a cabo, lo que permite la búsqueda sobre cualquier aspecto de un nodo (por ejemplo, mostrar todos los nodos con un procesador Intel CPU corriendo CentOS 4). El modelo de datos se ha simplificado un poco, sustituir los diversos tipos de agrupación con un genérico, el modelo jerárquico "grupo de nodos".
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Ruby and Perl command-line clients were added.
Both can gather a bunch of data about a node and
register it with the database. An advanced search
capability for nodes was implemented, allowing
searching on any aspect of a node (for example,
show all nodes with an Intel CPU running CentOS
4). The data model was simplified a bit, replacing
various specific types of grouping with a generic,
hierarchical "node group" model.

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