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Descripción del Proyecto

OpenBlueLab is an ERP designed through UML models using an MDA approach. Each business domain (such as Financial, Sales/CRM, HCM, PLM, or SCM) is separated into subdomains which are designed through models. Theses models are interconnected through common classes and workflows. It is generated for Alfresco, but could be generated for other frameworks.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-08-30 16:07 Back to release list

En el diagrama de clases, los nombres de "período" atributos se muestran en las líneas presupuestarias. Los métodos de clase han sido añadidas.
Tags: Financial / Budget, Major feature enhancements
In the class diagram, the names of "period"
attributes are shown in budget lines. Class
methods were added.

Project Resources