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Descripción del Proyecto

OpenBlueLab is an ERP designed through UML models using an MDA approach. Each business domain (such as Financial, Sales/CRM, HCM, PLM, or SCM) is separated into subdomains which are designed through models. Theses models are interconnected through common classes and workflows. It is generated for Alfresco, but could be generated for other frameworks.

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2007-08-09 17:36 Back to release list

En los diagramas de clases, todas las entidades (clases, atributos y métodos) están documentados, a fin de permitir la generación de documentación HTML. Algunos métodos de cálculo han sido añadidas. Evaluación de los diagramas de inventario de clase fueron eliminados de la modelo. Se introdujeron algunos cambios en los modos que fluye entre las unidades de análisis de costos. iReport fue la presentación de informes integrados.
Tags: Financial / Costs, Major feature enhancements
In class diagrams, all entities (classes, attributes, and methods) are documented in order to allow HTML documentation generation. Some calculating methods were added. Inventory evaluation class diagrams were deleted from the model. Some changes were made in flowing modes between units of cost analysis. iReport reporting was integrated.

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