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Descripción del Proyecto

OpenSMART is a monitoring (and reporting) environment for servers and applications in a network. Its main features are a nice Web front end, monitored servers requiring only a Perl installation, XML configuration, and good documentation. It is easy to write more checks. Supported platforms are Linux, HP/UX, Solaris, AIX, *BSD, and Windows (only as a client).

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2008-03-18 16:03 Back to release list

Nuevos controles incluyen mqconnect, que si las pruebas de una conexión a un queueManager WebSphere MQ es posible; mysqlconnect, que si las pruebas de una conexión a una base de datos MySQL es posible, readfile, que prueba si un archivo en una red (posiblemente basado en) el sistema de archivos es legible , y db2lck, que prueba si existen situaciones de bloqueo crítica sobre la base de datos DB2. Muchos errores fueron corregidos. Un nombre de usuario y contraseña puede ser especificado. Recursiva incluyen funcionalidad se agregó para osagent.conf.xml. Mejoras de rendimiento fueron importantes.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
New checks include mqconnect, which tests if a connection to a WebSphere MQ QueueManager is possible; mysqlconnect, which tests if a connection to a MySQL database is possible; readfile, which tests if a file in a (potentially network-based) filesystem is readable; and db2lck, which tests if there are critical lock situations on your DB2 database. Many bugs were fixed. A username and password can be specified. Recursive include functionality was added for osagent.conf.xml. Major performance improvements were made.

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