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Descripción del Proyecto

OpenSMART is a monitoring (and reporting) environment for servers and applications in a network. Its main features are a nice Web front end, monitored servers requiring only a Perl installation, XML configuration, and good documentation. It is easy to write more checks. Supported platforms are Linux, HP/UX, Solaris, AIX, *BSD, and Windows (only as a client).

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-13 17:54 Back to release list

Estados de filtro se muestran ahora en un mapa de imagen. RSS se han creado para los filtros. Datos del sistema operativo como la carga de la CPU, IO espera, estadísticas de paginación, las estadísticas de la memoria, estadísticas de la red y el uso de LPAR (AIX) puede ser recolectada y reportada con osreporter. También es posible verificar e informar sobre las colas de curdepth MQS, el uso de grupos de volúmenes LVM, el uso de copia de seguridad de los entornos NetBackup, tiempo de respuesta de las aplicaciones Web, y la proporción de aciertos de antememoria intermedia de Oracle. Muchas plantillas informe se incluyen. Los numerosos controles se agregaron muchos errores y se fija.
Tags: Stable
Filter states are now displayed in an image map. RSS feeds were created for filters. Operating system data such as CPU load, IO waits, paging statistics, memory statistics, network statistics, and LPAR usage (AIX) can be collected and reported with osreporter. It is also possible to check and report curdepth on MQS queues, usage of LVM volume groups, backup usage of netbackup environments, response time for Web applications, and Oracle buffercache hit ratio. Many report templates are included. Many more checks were added and many bugs were fixed.

Project Resources