OpenWFE is a workflow engine. It is robust, extensible, and scalable. Access libraries for Python, Perl, and .NET make it easy to write custom interfaces or agents (automatic participants) for a workflow-enabled system.
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.
Esta versión está construida con Maven 2, está disponible como una dependencia de Maven, contiene una gran cantidad de correcciones de errores, y ha sido objeto de optimización a fondo. El "mavenization" hace OpenWFE aún más abierto y disponible.
Major feature enhancements
This version is built with Maven 2, is available
as a Maven dependency, contains lots of bugfixes,
and has undergone thorough optimization. The
"mavenization" makes OpenWFE even more open and