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Descripción del Proyecto

pgintcl is a pure Tcl interface to the PostgreSQL
database system. It provides an alternative to
pgtcl and pgtcl-ng but does not require a compiled
Tcl extension (libpgtcl) or PostgreSQL client
library (libpq). This allows developers to create
Tcl utilities and applications that are platform
neutral. Trade-offs are slower performance and
PostgreSQL protocol version dependency.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-09-20 06:18 Back to release list

Esta versión añade dos nuevos comandos y una nueva opción-pid a pg_listen, y corrige un bug con el caso de corrección de los nombres de notificación. Fue probado con PostgreSQL 9.1.0, así como las versiones anteriores.
This version adds 2 new commands and a new -pid option to pg_listen, and fixes a bug with case-correction of notification names. It was tested with PostgreSQL 9.1.0 as well as older versions.

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