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Descripción del Proyecto

PHP/Toolbox is designed to make the process
of creating database-powered Websites
easier. It utilizes the iterative, or step-by-step
development paradigm. It therefore enables
you to create fully-functional Web interfaces
for an arbitrary set of DB tables within
minutes. Any changes you make in these
tables after the test driving will be handled
automatically. You can then adjust this
automatic interface in an iterative manner to
suit your specific needs.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-03-28 21:18 Back to release list

Una gran cantidad de correcciones de errores, mejoras en la documentación, la incorporación de la utilidad Pack R1.1, y un completo rediseño de las aplicaciones de muestra (Admin & Texite) para utilizar plenamente la # 2 en el poder y la flexibilidad. Tenga en cuenta que el documento sample.pdf proporciona una representación visual simple para su estructura y el modelo referencial.
Tags: Second Edition
A lot of bugfixes, documentation improvements, incorporation of Utility Pack R1.1, and a complete redesign of sample applications (Admin & Texite) to fully use #2's power and flexibility. Notice that sample.pdf document provides simple visual representation for their structure and referential model.

Project Resources