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Descripción del Proyecto

Presage (formerly known as Soothsayer) is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. It exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to generate predictions. Its modular and pluggable architecture allows its language model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and semantic information sources.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-04-07 01:48 Back to release list

Esta versión incluye un número de menores de los cambios internos. El foco ha estado en la refactorización, la reestructuración, y la limpieza en lugar de añadir nuevas funcionalidades. La distribución de directorios de origen se ha cambiado para reflejar mejor la estructura lógica. Se realizaron mejoras al sistema de configuración y el subsistema de registro, que se sometió a una completa revisión y reescritura. Las páginas man para las herramientas y programas de demostración están incluidos.
Tags: Code cleanup
This release includes a number of under-the-hood changes. The focus has been on refactoring, restructuring, and cleaning up rather than adding new functionality. The source directory layout was changed to better reflect the logical structure. Improvements were made to the configuration system and the logging subsystem, which underwent a complete overhaul and rewrite. Man pages for the tools and demo programs are included.

Project Resources