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Descripción del Proyecto

Production BASIC is an Open-Source, Multi-user Business Basic compiler/interpreter and run-time environment. This system is intended to be an alternative to commercially available systems, such as Basic/Four, Thoroughbred, and others that have evolved from the original Basic/Four system. It creates meta-code object modules, and uses a run-time interpreter under Linux. The system is under development, and assistance is being solicited.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-01-30 15:13 Back to release list

La más fiable y característica-rica de liberación hasta la fecha. Esta versión limpia muchas de las cuestiones mayores y menores en la última versión, así como la adición de recolección de basura, definida por el usuario funciones, matrices, llamadas que funcione bien, el apoyo casi total para el texto y archivos indexados, y el tiempo de ejecución muy mejorado. Muchas de las estructuras internas fueron totalmente reescrita desde cero para adaptarse a estas mejoras.
The most reliable and feature-rich release to date. This version cleans up many of the major and minor issues in the last version, as well as adding garbage collection, user-defined functions, arrays, CALLs that work right, nearly complete support for TEXT and INDEXED files, and extremely improved execution time. Many of the internal structures were completely rewritten from the ground up to allow for these improvements.

Project Resources