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Descripción del Proyecto

Raptor is a C library providing a set of parsers and
serializers for Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples by parsing syntaxes into RDF triples and serializing triples into a syntax. The parsers support RDF/XML, N-Triples, GRDDL, and Turtle, and via RSS tag soup: XML RSS, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0. The serializers support
RDF/XML (3 flavours), Turtle, DOT, N-Triples, RSS 1.0, and Atom 1.0. Raptor handles RDF/XML as used by RDF applications such as RSS 1.0, FOAF, DOAP, Dublin Core, and OWL. It can use either expat or libxml2 for XML parsing, libcurl when available for URI retrieval, and is portable to many POSIX systems.

System Requirements

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2011-03-21 11:51 Back to release list

El serializador N-Quads se fijó a la salida del nombre del gráfico correctamente, y el interior del analizador RDFa construido con librdfa se ha actualizado para prefijo de sus símbolos por lo que ahora se pueden vincular con la librdfa estándar.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The N-Quads serializer was fixed to output the graph name correctly, and the internal RDFa parser built with librdfa was updated to prefix its symbols so it can now be linked with the standard librdfa.

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