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Descripción del Proyecto

Rasqal is a C library for querying RDF graphs, supporting the SPARQL, RDQL, and LAQRS languages. It provides APIs for creating a query and parsing query syntax. It features pluggable triple-stores and matching interfaces, query engines for executing the queries, an API for manipulating results as bindings, and multiple ways to format the results to XML, CSV, TSV, and JSON. It uses the Raptor RDF parser to return triples from RDF content, and can alternatively work with the Redland RDF library's persistent triple stores. It is portable across many POSIX systems.

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2011-02-23 17:34 Back to release list

SPARQL 1,1 apoyar el proyecto de consulta se ha añadido para el ABS (), CEIL (), FLOOR (), RAND (), ROUND (), TZ (), y BIND (expr AS? Var). SILENT con DROP y CLEAR fue corregido. ENCODE_FOR_URI () no se haya fijado para preservar el idioma y tipo de datos del argumento. GROUP BY se fijó para permitir una opcional AS? Var. Una evaluación de la expresión clase de contexto fue introducido para almacenar el estado para su uso con la evaluación de expresiones. Triple-cita literales exceso de cotización y su uso con el lenguaje y tipos de datos se fija. semillas al azar de la inicialización se ha añadido soporte. El motor de consultas de ejecución se fijó en varios casos. rasqal_query_set_store_results () ahora funciona realmente.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
SPARQL 1.1 query draft support was added for ABS(), CEIL(), FLOOR(), RAND(), ROUND(), TZ(), and BIND(expr AS ?var). SILENT with DROP and CLEAR was fixed. ENCODE_FOR_URI() was fixed not to preserve language and datatype of argument. GROUP BY was fixed to allow an optional AS ?var. An expression evaluation context class was added to store state for use with evaluating expressions. Triple-quoted literals over-quoting and their use with language and datatypes were fixed. Random seed initializing support was added. The query engine execution was fixed in several cases. rasqal_query_set_store_results() now actually works.

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