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Descripción del Proyecto

SiteForge is a software project management tool for distributed development teams to manage software projects. SiteForge brings together the various aspects of a software project into one place, including source code access (CVS), bug/issue tracking, project members, discussion forums, documentation, product release downloads, and news announcements. SiteForge is similar to the the software that runs, GForge, Savane, GBorg, and Trac. It attempts to be easier to install, reliable, secure, and well-supported.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-09-12 12:32 Back to release list

No modificable referencia a la tabla de SQL sitellite_user se ha cambiado ahora, utilizar el session_ * () funciones. Esto requiere Sitellite 4.2.5 +. Esto es para dar cabida a los conductores fuente alterna sesiones de Sitellite. siteforge / cron.php fue cambiado a apoyar una base de datos MySQL secundaria opcional para los usuarios. La capacidad de anular los fallos, documentos, y un foro con los tuyos propios existentes se ha añadido para los proyectos que ya tienen estas cosas. El formulario de edición del proyecto se ha fijado. El enlace CVS muestra ahora una lista de módulos si se puede hacer un "ls" en el directorio del repositorio de proyectos.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
Hard-coded SQL referencing the sitellite_user
table was changed to now use the session_*()
functions. This requires Sitellite 4.2.5+. This is
to accommodate alternate session source drivers in
Sitellite. siteforge/cron.php was changed to
support an optional secondary MySQL database for
users. The ability to override the bugs, docs, and
forum with your own existing ones was added for
projects that already have these things. The edit
project form was fixed. The CVS link now shows a
list of modules if it can do an "ls" on the
project repository directory.

Project Resources