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Descripción del Proyecto

Skulker is a rules-based tool for log and temporary file management. It offers a wide range of facilities to help manage disk space, including compression, deletion, rotation, archiving, and directory reorganization. It provides dry-run facilities to test new rules, as well as detailed space reclaimed reporting.

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2009-10-09 18:09 Back to release list

Un "añadir" función se añadió para permitir que el contenido de un archivo emparejado para ser añadido al final de un archivo existente y han eliminado el archivo original. Auto-prueba de funcionalidad se ha añadido para "mover" y "añadir" acciones. La regla de la documentación de configuración de guía se ha actualizado.
An "append" function was added to allow the contents of a matched file to be appended to the end of an existing file and have the original file removed. Self-test functionality was added for "move" and "append" actions. The rule configuration guide documentation was updated.

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