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Descripción del Proyecto

Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic. This implies that PHP code is application logic, and is separated from the presentation. The Smarty design was largely driven by these goals: clean separation of presentation from application code; a PHP backend and Smarty template frontend; compliment PHP, not replace it; fast development/deployment for programmers and designers; quick and easy to maintain; a syntax that is easy to understand, with no PHP knowledge required; flexibility for custom development; and security (insulation from PHP).

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-05-14 19:30 Back to release list

Este comunicado de acentos abiertos en tiras de ecuaciones matemáticas (), arroja un error cuando una plantilla existe pero no es legible, las obras en torno a un error en algunas versiones de PCRE, corrige un agujero de la función de inyección de seguridad, correcciones de pasar el tiempo de caducidad en la convocatoria cache_handler_fuc en memoria. write_cache_file.php, y actualizaciones de compiler.class.php para permitir método de encadenamiento para PHP 4 y PHP 5.
This release strips backticks from {math} equations, throws an error when a template exists but is not readable, works around a bug in some versions of PCRE, fixes a function injection security hole, fixes pass expiration time in the cache_handler_fuc call in core.write_cache_file.php, and updates compiler.class.php to allow method chaining for PHP 4 and PHP 5.

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