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Descripción del Proyecto

Snow Path Formation Simulator is a program that models the process of people forming very distinct, and yet not always altogether logical looking, paths in the snow as they walk across open spaces. The evolving condition of the snow is displayed graphically. This project may eventually mature into a screensaver.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2002-01-22 07:07 Back to release list

Diversas mejoras de velocidad (incluido el que se ejecuta como un programa en lugar de dos hablando el uno al otro), algunos ejemplos más limpio, la capacidad de casi cualquier tipo de imagen estándar como entrada, una nueva opción de arco iris, junto con diversas características de menor importancia, el apoyo de FreeBSD ( y de otros sistemas distintos, probablemente también), y varias correcciones de errores menores.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Various speed improvements (including that it runs as one program instead of two talking to each other), some more neat examples, ability to just about any standard image type as input, a new -rainbow option along with various minor features, FreeBSD support (and probably various other systems as well), and various minor bugfixes.

Project Resources