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Descripción del Proyecto

Inverse SOGo Integrator for Thunderbird is an
extension that transforms Thunderbird into a pure
"heavy" client for SOGo. Whereas the SOGo
Connector is meant for portability, the SOGo
Integrator provides "vertical" integration with
the SOGo groupware server by making use of the
specific features it provides. The general
features provided are: remote administration of
folder subscriptions, an automatic replication of
user folders and subscriptions, propagation of
updates to chosen extensions from a local update
server, and propagation of default settings and
integrated GUI elements.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-02-17 14:38 Back to release list

La capacidad de esta fuerza de las preferencias del usuario y eliminar extensiones. La "casa" calendario se retira ahora si no contiene elementos. La búsqueda de los usuarios se vio acelerado por la solución de sus acciones sólo cuando la entrada de usuario correspondiente se desdobla. Ahora es posible mostrar sólo el calendario seleccionado o todos ellos. La creación de caché calendarios CalDAV está obligado de inmediato, y el nombre completo y dirección de correo electrónico del calendario suscrito / libreta de direcciones se muestra de inmediato.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The ability to force user preferences and remove extensions was added. The "home" calendar is now removed if it contains no items. The search of users was accelerated by resolving their shares only when the corresponding user entry is unfolded. It is now possible to show only the selected calendar or all of them. The creation of cached CalDAV calendars is now forced immediately, and the full name and email address of the subscribed calendar/address book is shown immediately.

Project Resources