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Descripción del Proyecto

SOTESHOP is e-commerce software that includes all you need to sell effectively via the Internet. The program is up and running immediately after installation. It manages the entire shopping process, from portfolio presentation, through submitting orders, to online payments, etc.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-12-30 07:23 Back to release list

Esta versión incorpora nuevos addons (integraciones) para el análisis de la huella, PhpBB, LiveChat, Google +, Twitter y Piwik, venta para clientes verificados, un nuevo instalador fácil, una actualización del editor TinyMCE, importación de datos de OSCommerce y optimización del sistema.
This release adds new addons (integrations) for Footprint analytics, PhpBB, LiveChat, Google+, Twitter, and Piwik, sale for verified customers, a new easy installer, a TinyMCE editor update, data importation from OSCommerce, and system optimization.

Project Resources