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Descripción del Proyecto

Syncless is an experimental, lightweight, non-blocking (asynchronous) client and server socket network communication library implemented in Stackless Python 2.6. It contains an asynchronous DNS resolver (using dnspython) and an HTTP server capable of serving WSGI applications. It aims to be a coroutine-based alternative of event-driven networking engines (such as Twisted and FriendFeed's Tornado). It is already about that fast, but it has fewer features and is less stable now.

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2010-04-19 17:46 Back to release list

Esta versión ha sido reescrito completamente por lo que tiene gota-en reemplazo de la funciones incorporadas de Python como socket.socket, socket.gethostbyname, ssl.SSLSocket, time.sleep y Las implementaciones de reemplazo pueden ser fácilmente mono remendado, por lo que el legado (bloqueo) Python puro código I / O se puede hacer sin bloqueo, sin un cambio de código. funcionalidad de núcleo se escribe ahora en Pyrex / Cython para mayor velocidad.
This version was completely rewritten so it has drop-in replacements for the built-in Python functions such as socket.socket, socket.gethostbyname, ssl.SSLSocket, time.sleep, and The replacement implementations can be easily monkey-patched, so legacy (blocking) pure Python I/O code can be made non-blocking without a code change. Core functionality is now written in Pyrex/Cython for greater speed.

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