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Descripción del Proyecto

The Brick Engine is a fast and simple lo-fi gaming engine. The engine provides a comprehensive API, including dazzling visual features, song playback, and collision detection: everything you need to make games with quickness and ease. The engine provides a straightforward C API and has language bindings for Tcl and Pascal, with support for more languages on the way.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-06-02 17:58 Back to release list

Este lanzamiento es parte de mantenimiento, en parte por las mejoras. El sistema de control de movimiento, un lenguaje pequeño código diseñado para la creación de sistemas de partículas fantástica, efectos ambientales, y así sucesivamente, se ha revisado radicalmente. Sprites Ahora se puede otorgar una autonomía sofisticadas a través de sus programas de control de movimiento. El proceso de generación se ha hecho un poco más simple eliminando las barreras abarca desde las cabeceras. El motor de ladrillo se ha convertido en aún más fácil de construir y trabajar con ellos.
Tags: stable minor maintenance
This release is partly for maintenance, partly for improvements. The motion control system, a tiny embedded language designed for creating fantastic particle systems, environmental effects, and so on, has been radically overhauled. Sprites can now be given a sophisticated autonomy by way of their motion control programs. The build process has been made a little bit simpler by removing unnecessary includes from the headers. The brick engine has become even easier to build and to work with.

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