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Descripción del Proyecto

TinyMCE is a platform-independent, Web-based, Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control. Its main features include theme/template support, language support, and plugin extensions.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-10-29 08:02 Back to release list

Hay muchos cambios desde el anuncio Freshmeat último, esto es un resumen de los cambios de la versión anterior. Un error se ha corregido en la vinculación a las URL como ../../ produciría una barra diagonal adicional ../..//. Un error se ha corregido en las direcciones URL al mismo sitio pero el protocolo diferente sería convertir cuando relative_urls se establece en false. Un error se ha corregido en el plugin pega eliminaría mceItem clases prefijadas. La frontera default = 0 en las tablas se ha quitado para el valor predeterminado de valid_elements.
Tags: Stable, Bugfixes
There are many changes since the last freshmeat announcement; this is a summary of the changes from the previous version. A bug has been fixed where linking to urls like ../../ would produce an extra trailing slash ../..//. A bug has been fixed where URLs to the same site but different protocol would be converted when relative_urls was set to false. A bug has been fixed where the paste plugin would remove mceItem-prefixed classes. The default border=0 on tables has been removed for the default value of valid_elements.

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