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Descripción del Proyecto

vitetris is a Tetris clone for the terminal that
doesn't need ncurses. It features configurable
keys, a high score table, and 2-player mode on the
same computer or over network. Joysticks/gamepads
are supported on Linux. Gameplay is much like the
early Tetris games by Nintendo.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-10-22 03:23 Back to release list

Este comunicado contiene mejoras NetPlay y algunas correcciones. Una lista de jugadores se puede obtener desde el servidor, y es posible conectar y elegir a un oponente en el menú.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release contains netplay improvements and some bugfixes. A player list can be fetched from the server, and it is possible to connect and choose an opponent from the menu.

Project Resources