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Descripción del Proyecto

VLC media player is a multimedia player, framework, streamer, and encoder. It can play inputs like files, network streams, DVDs, audio CDs, Blu-Rays, capture devices, and screens. It can play most audio and video codecs and formats (MPEG 1/2/4, H264, VC-1, DivX, WMV, Vorbis, AC3, AAC, MKV, etc.), but can also be used to convert to different formats and/or send streams through the network.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-07-08 00:09 Back to release list

Esta versión introduce importantes novedades y corrige muchos errores. Las nuevas características incluyen nuevos codecs soportados (AES3, Dolby Digital Plus, TrueHD, Blu-Ray PCM lineal, Real Video 3.0 y 4.0, y más), los formatos de nueva apoyado (en bruto de Dirac, M2TS, y más), y grandes mejoras en el apoyo a muchos formatos, grabación en vivo, al instante pausa, y cuadro por el apoyo del marco. La interfaz para Linux y Windows ha sido mejorado y un nuevo skin por defecto se utiliza.
Tags: Major
This release introduces major new features and fixes a lot of bugs. New features include newly supported codecs (AES3, Dolby Digital Plus, TrueHD, Blu-Ray Linear PCM, Real Video 3.0 and 4.0, and more), newly supported formats (Raw Dirac, M2TS, and more), and major improvements in support for many formats, live recording, instant pausing, and frame-by-frame support. The interface for Linux and Windows has been improved and a new default skin is used.

Project Resources