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Descripción del Proyecto

VLC media player is a multimedia player, framework, streamer, and encoder. It can play inputs like files, network streams, DVDs, audio CDs, Blu-Rays, capture devices, and screens. It can play most audio and video codecs and formats (MPEG 1/2/4, H264, VC-1, DivX, WMV, Vorbis, AC3, AAC, MKV, etc.), but can also be used to convert to different formats and/or send streams through the network.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-06-22 22:07 Back to release list

Esta versión trae muchas mejoras importantes, especialmente la GPU y la decodificación en plataformas DSP seleccionado, el nuevo soporte para codecs, demuxers y muxers, extensiones Lua Lua y ampliaciones de contenido (luaSD), interfaces mejoradas, reelaboración de salida de vídeo, la eliminación de gran cantidad de módulos y reescritura de muchos módulos con el fin de mejorar el rendimiento en CPU, RAM y E / S. También introduce un nuevo libVLC y enlaces nuevos y mejora del puerto en muchas plataformas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements, GUI, GPU, codecs, multimedia
This release brings many major improvements, especially GPU and DSP decoding on selected platforms, new support for codecs, demuxers and muxers, Lua extensions and Lua content extensions (luaSD), improved interfaces, reworking of video output, removal of lots of modules, and rewriting of many modules in order to improve performance in CPU, RAM, and I/O. It also introduces a new libVLC and new bindings and improves the port on many platforms.

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