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Descripción del Proyecto

Warsow is a standalone, eSports-oriented FPS game. It is based on Qfusion, an advanced modification of the Quake 2 engine. It features fast-paced gameplay focused on trix (trick jumps) and art of movement. War§ow features a complete power-up system, including weak and strong fire mode for each weapon in all "normal" gametypes as well as Warshell (battle shield) and Warshock (quad damage) for team-based gametypes. Its cartoonish graphics use cel shading with a style that is similar but not identical to Manga.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-02-10 16:31 Back to release list

Algunos errores fueron resueltos, y algunas pequeñas mejoras y adiciones se hicieron. El error textura falta en wca1 fue corregido. El cohete de la velocidad del proyectil se ha fijado de modo que débiles y fuertes son 1000up / s. Algunas correcciones se hicieron en el área de movimiento (cg_oldmovement 1 realmente debe sentirse como en movimiento viejo). Algunos mapas se han añadido, en particular los mapas de dos CTF que se playtested en el canal de recogida Varsovia por un tiempo. Algunos ajustes que faltan se han añadido en los gráficos y opciones de menús.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Some bugs were solved, and some minor improvements
and additions were made. The missing texture bug
on wca1 was fixed. The rocket projectile speed was
fixed so that weak and strong are both 1000up/s.
Some fixes were made in the movement area
(cg_oldmovement 1 should really feel like old
movement now). Some maps were added, specifically
the two CTF maps which were playtested in the
Warsow pickup channel for a while. Some missing
settings were added in the graphics and options

Project Resources