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Descripción del Proyecto

WildMidi is a wave table player that uses Gus Pat sound
sets to play MIDI files. It is capable of multi-threading
and multi-processing of MIDI files, allowing for the mixing
of multiple MIDI files at any one time.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2010-07-10 20:37 Back to release list

Un error de compilación de software libre se ha fijado. Una solución temporal se ha añadido para las muestras con el software de edición no-estándar. Opciones para el control de la amplificación de las muestras se agregó. El motor de reverberación fue sintonizado.
An OSS compilation bug was fixed. A work-around was added for samples edited with non-standard software. Options for controlling the amplification of samples were added. The reverb engine was tuned.

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