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Descripción del Proyecto

In using IPA fonts/IPAex fonts, please comply with the terms and conditions set out in "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0:" included in this package. Any use, reproduction or distribution of the IPA Font/IPAex font or any exercise of rights under "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0" by a Recipient constitutes the Recipient's acceptance of the License Agreement.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Publicado: 2010-05-26 19:11
IPA Fonts/IPAex Fonts IPAex 明朝(Ver.001.02) (1 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

IPAex Font (IPAex Mincho)
-- Readme --

IPA Fonts are JIS X 0213:2004 compliant OpenType fonts based on TrueType outlines.

In using IPAex fonts, please comply with the terms and conditions set out in "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0" included in this package.
Any use, reproduction or distribution of the IPA Font or any exercise of rights under "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0" by a Recipient constitutes the Recipient's acceptance of the License Agreement.

IPAex Font (IPAex Mincho)
|--Readme Readme_ipaexm00102.txt
|--IPA Font License Agreement v1.0 IPA_Font_License_Agreement_v1.0.txt
|--IPAexMincho ipaexm.ttf

IPAexMincho(Ver.001.02) MD5value:2AE4C275618986CFDE12DC51BEC03F16
"IPA Font" is a registered trademark of IPA in Japan.

― はじめにお読みください ―

IPAexフォント(Ver.1)は、JIS X 0213:2004に準拠したTrueTypeアウトラインベースのOpenTypeフォントです。


|--はじめにお読みください Readme_ipaexm00102.txt
|--IPAフォントライセンスv1.0 IPA_Font_License_Agreement_v1.0.txt
|--IPAex明朝 ipaexm.ttf

IPAex明朝(Ver.001.02) MD5値:2AE4C275618986CFDE12DC51BEC03F16


IPAex Font (Ver.001.02)Release

(1)Nine issues are added as follows:
Unicode Glyph Name Glyph Note
U+5307 aj20301 匇 The Glyph is changed to JIS X 0213:2004 shape (only IPAex Mincho)
U+5307 U+E0101 aj8404 匇 IVS data is added
U+00A7 aj106 § The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+00B0 aj155 ° The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+00B6 aj118 ¶ The glyph of full width shape is added
U+2014 aj138 — The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+2032 aj9356 ′ The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+2033 aj9357 ″ The glyph of proportional shape is added
U+22BF aj15882 ⊿ The glyph of new design similar to other mathematical sympols is added

(2)head table :fontRevision

The value is change from 1.000 to 1.020.

(3)name table :ID0、ID3、ID5

ID0 (Copyright) :2003-2009 --> 2003-2010

ID3(Unique Font Identifier): IPAexMincho --> IPAexMincho Version 001.02
               IPAexGothic --> IPAexGothic Version 001.02
The font names are set with font name plus version name.

ID5(Version) :Version 001.01 --> Version 001.02

(4)prep table :change of dropout control(only IPAex Gothic)

In some display environments such as 12pt/96dip, the first stroke of '白' and '向' had been corrupted.

(5)GSUB Table : jp04 feature tag is deleted and jp90 feature tag is added

IPA fonts are JIS 0213:2004 compliant. Accordingly, jp04 jeature tag is deleted and jp90 feature tag is added to enable 90JIS replace functionality.

(6)The original glyphs, changed when JIS X 0214:2004 was published, are included as glyph variations

IPAex fonts include JIS X 0213:2000 shapes changed when JIS X 0213:2004 was published, with IVS(Ideographic Variation Sequence) feature. The number of target characters is 172, one code point is added to Ver.001.01.
Noted that, in 172 characters, some glyphs in IVS position are same as default glyph shapes to keep the consistency of ID control between IPAex Mincho and IPAex Gothic.


(1)glyf, cmap :9グリフの追加・修正
ユニコード グリフネーム 文字 注釈
U+5307 aj20301 匇 JIS 0213:2004字形に変更(IPAex明朝のみ)
U+5307 U+E0101 aj8404 匇 IVSを付与
U+00A7 aj106 § プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+00B0 aj155 ° プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+00B6 aj118 ¶ 全角幅字形を収容
U+2014 aj138 — プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+2032 aj9356 ′ プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+2033 aj9357 ″ プロポーショナル字形を収容
U+22BF aj15882 ⊿ 他の学術記号と同様の新デザインを収容

(2)headテーブル :fontRevision


(3)nameテーブル :ID0、ID3、ID5

ID0 (Copyright) :2003-2009 --> 2003-2010

ID3(Unique Font Identifier): IPAexMincho --> IPAexMincho Version 001.02
               IPAexGothic --> IPAexGothic Version 001.02

ID5(Version) :Version 001.01 --> Version 001.02

(4)prepテーブル :"dropout control"を有効化(IPAexゴシックのみ)


(5)GSUBテーブル :jp04 featureタグの削除、jp90 featureタグの追加

JIS 0213:2004準拠なので、jp04 featureタグを削除し、jp90 featureタグの追加により90JIS字形置換機能を追加した。


IPAexフォントは、JIS X 0213:2000からJIS X0213:2004に規格が更新された際に変更された字形について、新旧双方の字形を、IVS(Ideographic Variation Sequence)方式で収容しています。IPAexフォント(Ver.001.02)での対象文字数は172文字です(Ver.001.01からは1文字追加されています)。