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Descripción del Proyecto

In using IPA fonts/IPAex fonts, please comply with the terms and conditions set out in "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0:" included in this package. Any use, reproduction or distribution of the IPA Font/IPAex font or any exercise of rights under "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0" by a Recipient constitutes the Recipient's acceptance of the License Agreement.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Publicado: 2012-11-08 09:36
IPA Fonts/IPAex Fonts 2書体パック_IPAexフォント(ver.002.01) (1 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

IPAex Font
-- Readme --

IPAex Fonts are JIS X 0213:2004 compliant OpenType fonts based on TrueType outlines.

In using IPAex fonts, please comply with the terms and conditions set out in "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0" included in this package.
Any use, reproduction or distribution of the IPA Font or any exercise of rights under "IPA Font License Agreement v1.0" by a Recipient constitutes the Recipient's acceptance of the License Agreement.

IPAex Fonts 2 fonts package (IPAex Gothic、IPAex Mincho)
|--Readme Readme_IPAexfont00201.txt
|--IPA Font License Agreement v1.0 IPA_Font_License_Agreement_v1.0.txt
|--IPAexGothic(Ver.002.01) ipaexg.ttf
|--IPAexMincho(Ver.002.01) ipaexm.ttf

"IPA Font" is a registered trademark of IPA in Japan.

― はじめにお読みください ―

IPAexフォントは、JIS X 0213:2004に準拠したTrueTypeアウトラインベースのOpenTypeフォントです。


|--はじめにお読みください Readme_IPAexfont00201.txt
|--IPAフォントライセンスv1.0 IPA_Font_License_Agreement_v1.0.txt
|--IPAexゴシック(Ver.002.01) ipaexg.ttf
|--IPAex明朝(Ver.002.01) ipaexm.ttf



The major version is changed, with the addition of glyphs and code positions.
Changes from IPAex Mincho Ver.001.03 to Ver.002.01
Changes from IPAex Gothic Ver.001.02 to Ver.002.01
-November 2012

1. Addition and modification of glyphs and code positions
(1) Added Ideographic Variation Sequences (IVS) and glyphs, six sequences) to elaborate glyph shapes corresponding to JIS X 0213:2000 example glyph shapes.
U+53A9;U+E0103 U+6062;U+E0102 U+7337;U+E0101 U+7511;U+E0103 U+55A9;U+E0102 U+6FF9;U+E0101

(2) Added Ideographic Description Characters (IDS, twelve characters)
0x2ff0 U+2ff1 U+2ff2 U+2ff3 U+2ff4 U+2ff5 U+2ff6 U+2ff7 U+2ff8 U+2ff9 U+2ffa 0x2ffb

(3) Added Kanxi Radical (one character)
Added one new Kangxi radical form and encoded both U+2F39 (Kanxi Radicals Block) and U+5F50 (CJK Unified Ideographs Block)

(4) Slightly changed shapes
U+5F98;U+E0101 U+66B5;U+E0101 U+696F;U+E0100 U+696F;U+E0101 U+8A0A;U+E0101 U+8AB9;U+E0101 U+8B7F;U+E0100 U+71b1

2. Additional implementation of Ideographic Variation Sequences
IPAex Font has been implemented several Ideographic Variation Sequences, including different glyph shapes between JIS X 0213:2000 and JIS X 0213:2004. In IPAex Font Version 002.01, IVSs are added to default glyph, consequently total number of IVSs changed to 352. The default glyphs, which appear without IVS environment, correspond to the exemplified shapes in JIS X 0213:2004.
Noted that some IVSs in 352 sequences of IPAex Gothic Font have same glyph shapes for different sequences, because some differences of glyph shapes in Mincho font design have no meaning in Gothic font design.

U+5026;U+E0101 U+50C5;U+E0101 U+5132;U+E0101 U+514E;U+E0101 U+51A4;U+E0101 U+5307;U+E0100 U+537F;U+E0102 U+53A9;U+E0103 U+53A9;U+E0105 U+53C9;U+E0101 U+53DB;U+E0101 U+53DF;U+E0101 U+54AC;U+E0101 U+54E8;U+E0101 U+55B0;U+E0101 U+5632;U+E0101 U+5642;U+E0101 U+564C;U+E0101 U+56C0;U+E0101 U+5835;U+E0101 U+5906;U+E0101 U+5A29;U+E0101 U+5BDB;U+E0100 U+5C51;U+E0101 U+5C60;U+E0101 U+5DF7;U+E0101 U+5E96;U+E0101 U+5EDF;U+E0101 U+5EFB;U+E0101 U+5F98;U+E0101 U+5FBD;U+E0101 U+6062;U+E0101 U+6062;U+E0102 U+609E;U+E0101 U+6108;U+E0101 U+61F2;U+E0100 U+6241;U+E0101 U+633A;U+E0101 U+633D;U+E0101 U+6357;U+E0101 U+6372;U+E0101 U+63C3;U+E0101 U+646F;U+E0100 U+647A;U+E0101 U+64B0;U+E0101 U+64E2;U+E0101 U+65A7;U+E0101 U+6666;U+E0101 U+66B5;U+E0101 U+6717;U+E0101 U+6753;U+E0101 U+6756;U+E0101 U+6897;U+E0101 U+6962;U+E0101 U+696F;U+E0101 U+698A;U+E0101 U+6994;U+E0101 U+69CC;U+E0101 U+6A0B;U+E0101 U+6A3D;U+E0101 U+6ADB;U+E0100 U+6B4E;U+E0101 U+6C72;U+E0101 U+6DEB;U+E0101 U+6EA2;U+E0101 U+6EBA;U+E0101 U+6F23;U+E0100 U+7015;U+E0101 U+701E;U+E0101 U+7026;U+E0101 U+7058;U+E0101 U+7078;U+E0101 U+707C;U+E0101 U+7149;U+E0100 U+714E;U+E0101 U+7152;U+E0101 U+717D;U+E0102 U+723A;U+E0101 U+724C;U+E0101 U+7259;U+E0101 U+72E1;U+E0101 U+7337;U+E0102 U+7337;U+E0101 U+7511;U+E0102 U+7511;U+E0103 U+7515;U+E0102 U+7526;U+E0101 U+75BC;U+E0101 U+77A5;U+E0101 U+7941;U+E0101 U+7947;U+E0101 U+79B0;U+E0101 U+79E4;U+E0101 U+7A17;U+E0101 U+7A7F;U+E0101 U+7AC8;U+E0101 U+7B08;U+E0102 U+7B75;U+E0101 U+7BAD;U+E0101 U+7BB8;U+E0101 U+7BC7;U+E0101 U+7BDD;U+E0101 U+7C3E;U+E0102 U+7C7E;U+E0102 U+7C82;U+E0101 U+7FEB;U+E0101 U+7FF0;U+E0101 U+8171;U+E0101 U+817F;U+E0101 U+8258;U+E0101 U+8292;U+E0101 U+82A6;U+E0101 U+8328;U+E0101 U+845B;U+E0101 U+84EC;U+E0101 U+8511;U+E0101 U+853D;U+E0101 U+85A9;U+E0101 U+85AF;U+E0101 U+85F7;U+E0101 U+8612;U+E0100 U+8654;U+E0101 U+86F8;U+E0101 U+8703;U+E0101 U+8755;U+E0101 U+8805;U+E0101 U+8956;U+E0101 U+8A0A;U+E0101 U+8A1D;U+E0102 U+8A3B;U+E0101 U+8A6E;U+E0101 U+8AB9;U+E0101 U+8AFA;U+E0101 U+8B0E;U+E0101 U+8B2C;U+E0101 U+8B7F;U+E0101 U+8C79;U+E0101 U+8CED;U+E0101 U+8FBB;U+E0101 U+8FBF;U+E0101 U+8FC2;U+E0101 U+8FC4;U+E0101 U+8FE6;U+E0101 U+9017;U+E0101 U+9019;U+E0101 U+9022;U+E0101 U+903C;U+E0101 U+9041;U+E0102 U+905C;U+E0101 U+9061;U+E0101 U+912D;U+E0101 U+914B;U+E0101 U+91DC;U+E0101 U+9306;U+E0101 U+9375;U+E0101 U+939A;U+E0101 U+9453;U+E0101 U+9699;U+E0101 U+9771;U+E0101 U+9784;U+E0101 U+9798;U+E0101 U+97AD;U+E0101 U+98F4;U+E0101 U+9905;U+E0101 U+990C;U+E0103 U+9910;U+E0101 U+9957;U+E0101 U+99C1;U+E0101 U+9A19;U+E0101 U+9A4A;U+E010 U+9BAB;U+E0101 U+9BD6;U+E0101 U+9C2F;U+E0101 U+9C52;U+E0101 U+9D09;U+E0101 U+9D60;U+E0101 U+55A9;U+E0102 U+55A9;U+E0100 U+6FF9;U+E0101 U+6FF9;U+E0100

3. Addition of vertical and horizontal shape change setting for hyphens (0x002d, 0x2010,0x2011, 0x2012) .

4. Changes of tables in font file
(1) head table
IPAex Mincho : fontRevision:1030  2.010
IPAex Gothic : font Revision : 1.020  2.010

(2) name table : update of ID0, ID3, ID5
IDO (Copyright)
2003-2009 --> 2003-2012

ID3(Unique Font Identifier)
IPAex Mincho : IPAexMincho Version 001.03--> IPAexMincho Version 002.01
IPAex Gothic : IPAexGothic Version 001.02 --> IPAexGothic Version 002.01

IPAex Mincho : Version 001.03 --> Version 002.01
IPAex Gothic : Version 001.02 --> Version 002.01

(end of the document)

IPAex明朝Ver.002.01 :Ver.001.03からの変更内容
IPAexゴシックフォントVer.002.01 :Ver.001.02からの変更内容

(1)JIS X 0213:2000字形充実のための追加(合計6文字)
U+53A9;U+E0103 U+6062;U+E0102 U+7337;U+E0101 U+7511;U+E0103 U+55A9;U+E0102 U+6FF9;U+E0101
(2)IDS(漢字構成記述文字, Ideographic Description Characters)の追加(合計12文字)
0x2ff0 U+2ff1 U+2ff2 U+2ff3 U+2ff4 U+2ff5 U+2ff6 U+2ff7 U+2ff8 U+2ff9 U+2ffa 0x2ffb
U+5F98;U+E0101 U+66B5;U+E0101 U+696F;U+E0100 U+696F;U+E0101 U+8A0A;U+E0101 U+8AB9;U+E0101 U+8B7F;U+E0100 U+71b1

IPAexフォントは、JIS X 0213:2000からJIS X 0213:2004に規格が更新された際に変更された新旧双方の字形を含めた異体字を、Adobe-Japan1のコレクションに則ったIVS(Ideographic Variation Sequence)により実装しています。IPAexフォントVer.002.01ではデフォルトグリフにもIVSを付与し、IVSを付与した文字数はVer.001.03から180文字増え、合計352文字 となりました。同一のUCS符号に複数のIVSが付与されている文字についてそのデフォルトグリフ はJIS X0213:2004字形です。
なお、IPAex明朝とIPAexゴ シックの統一した管理を行うために、IPAexゴシックにはIVS実装352文字の内の一部に、明朝体での字形の差をゴシック体では表現できない場合、異なるIVSでありながら字形が同一となっている場合があります。

U+5026;U+E0101 U+50C5;U+E0101 U+5132;U+E0101 U+514E;U+E0101 U+51A4;U+E0101 U+5307;U+E0100 U+537F;U+E0102 U+53A9;U+E0103 U+53A9;U+E0105 U+53C9;U+E0101 U+53DB;U+E0101 U+53DF;U+E0101 U+54AC;U+E0101 U+54E8;U+E0101 U+55B0;U+E0101 U+5632;U+E0101 U+5642;U+E0101 U+564C;U+E0101 U+56C0;U+E0101 U+5835;U+E0101 U+5906;U+E0101 U+5A29;U+E0101 U+5BDB;U+E0100 U+5C51;U+E0101 U+5C60;U+E0101 U+5DF7;U+E0101 U+5E96;U+E0101 U+5EDF;U+E0101 U+5EFB;U+E0101 U+5F98;U+E0101 U+5FBD;U+E0101 U+6062;U+E0101 
U+6062;U+E0102 U+609E;U+E0101 U+6108;U+E0101 U+61F2;U+E0100 U+6241;U+E0101 U+633A;U+E0101 U+633D;U+E0101 U+6357;U+E0101 U+6372;U+E0101 U+63C3;U+E0101 U+646F;U+E0100 U+647A;U+E0101 U+64B0;U+E0101 U+64E2;U+E0101 U+65A7;U+E0101 U+6666;U+E0101 U+66B5;U+E0101 U+6717;U+E0101 U+6753;U+E0101 U+6756;U+E0101 U+6897;U+E0101 U+6962;U+E0101 U+696F;U+E0101 U+698A;U+E0101 U+6994;U+E0101 U+69CC;U+E0101 U+6A0B;U+E0101 U+6A3D;U+E0101 U+6ADB;U+E0100 U+6B4E;U+E0101 U+6C72;U+E0101 U+6DEB;U+E0101 U+6EA2;U+E0101 U+6EBA;U+E0101 U+6F23;U+E0100 U+7015;U+E0101 U+701E;U+E0101 U+7026;U+E0101 U+7058;U+E0101 U+7078;U+E0101 U+707C;U+E0101 U+7149;U+E0100 U+714E;U+E0101 U+7152;U+E0101 U+717D;U+E0102 U+723A;U+E0101 U+724C;U+E0101 U+7259;U+E0101 U+72E1;U+E0101 U+7337;U+E0102 U+7337;U+E0101 U+7511;U+E0102 U+7511;U+E0103 U+7515;U+E0102 U+7526;U+E0101 U+75BC;U+E0101 U+77A5;U+E0101 U+7941;U+E0101 U+7947;U+E0101 U+79B0;U+E0101 U+79E4;U+E0101 U+7A17;U+E0101 U+7A7F;U+E0101 U+7AC8;U+E0101 U+7B08;U+E0102 U+7B75;U+E0101 U+7BAD;U+E0101 U+7BB8;U+E0101 U+7BC7;U+E0101 U+7BDD;U+E0101 U+7C3E;U+E0102 U+7C7E;U+E0102 U+7C82;U+E0101 U+7FEB;U+E0101 U+7FF0;U+E0101 U+8171;U+E0101 U+817F;U+E0101 U+8258;U+E0101 U+8292;U+E0101 U+82A6;U+E0101 U+8328;U+E0101 U+845B;U+E0101 U+84EC;U+E0101 U+8511;U+E0101 U+853D;U+E0101 U+85A9;U+E0101 U+85AF;U+E0101 U+85F7;U+E0101 U+8612;U+E0100 U+8654;U+E0101 U+86F8;U+E0101 U+8703;U+E0101 U+8755;U+E0101 U+8805;U+E0101 U+8956;U+E0101 U+8A0A;U+E0101 U+8A1D;U+E0102 U+8A3B;U+E0101 U+8A6E;U+E0101 U+8AB9;U+E0101 U+8AFA;U+E0101 U+8B0E;U+E0101 U+8B2C;U+E0101 U+8B7F;U+E0101 U+8C79;U+E0101 U+8CED;U+E0101 U+8FBB;U+E0101 U+8FBF;U+E0101 U+8FC2;U+E0101 U+8FC4;U+E0101 U+8FE6;U+E0101 U+9017;U+E0101 U+9019;U+E0101 U+9022;U+E0101 U+903C;U+E0101 U+9041;U+E0102 U+905C;U+E0101 U+9061;U+E0101 U+912D;U+E0101 U+914B;U+E0101 U+91DC;U+E0101 U+9306;U+E0101 U+9375;U+E0101 U+939A;U+E0101 U+9453;U+E0101 U+9699;U+E0101 U+9771;U+E0101 U+9784;U+E0101 U+9798;U+E0101 U+97AD;U+E0101 U+98F4;U+E0101 U+9905;U+E0101 U+990C;U+E0103 U+9910;U+E0101 U+9957;U+E0101 U+99C1;U+E0101 U+9A19;U+E0101 U+9A4A;U+E010 U+9BAB;U+E0101 U+9BD6;U+E0101 U+9C2F;U+E0101 U+9C52;U+E0101 U+9D09;U+E0101 U+9D60;U+E0101 U+55A9;U+E0102 U+55A9;U+E0100 U+6FF9;U+E0101 U+6FF9;U+E0100

ハイフン(0x002d, 0x2010, 0x2011, 0x2012)に対して、縦書き時に縦用文字に切り替える設定を行いました。

IPAex明朝:fontRevision:1.030 --> 【変更後】2.010
IPAexゴシック:fontRevision:1.020 --> 【変更後】2.010
(2)nameテーブル :ID0、ID3、ID5 の更新
ID0 (Copyright)
2003-2009 --> 【変更後】2003-2012
ID3(Unique Font Identifier)
IPAex明朝:IPAexMincho Version 001.03--> 【変更後】IPAexMincho Version 002.01
IPAexゴシック:IPAexGothic Version 001.02 --> 【変更後】IPAexGothic Version 002.01
IPAex明朝:Version 001.03 --> 【変更後】Version 002.01
IPAexゴシック:Version 001.02 --> 【変更後】Version 002.01
