Peter Dyballa
Sun Oct 9 17:58:50 JST 2005
Am 08.10.2005 um 08:09 schrieb Seiji Zenitani: > make EMACS=/Applications/ \ > prefix=/Applications/ \ > LISPDIR=/Applications/ \ > INFODIR=Applications/ > This is bad advice! The software will get installed in places that will get burned down in the usual Carbon method to install: drag the new over the old. prefix, LISPDIR, and INFODIR should point towards /Library/Application\ Support/Emacs or towards ~/Library/Application\ Support/Emacs to make the installation persistent over a Carbon update. /Library/Application\ Support/Emacs is meant for system-wide extensions, ~/Library/Application\ Support/Emacs is ready for private additions. INFODIR is something special and I'd put INFO files into /usr/local/info or /usr/local/share/info with 'sudo make install'. -- Greetings Pete <\ _\ O _ |o \ _\\_/-\=' _____________(_)|-(_) (_)___________________________________