[macemacsjp-english 277] Re: how to set up command-line installs

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Jesse Alama alama****@stanf*****
Mon Oct 10 02:36:50 JST 2005

Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dybal****@Web*****> writes:

> Am 08.10.2005 um 08:09 schrieb Seiji Zenitani:
>>      make EMACS=/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs \
>>          prefix=/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources \
>>          LISPDIR=/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/site-lisp \
>>          INFODIR=Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/info
> This is bad advice!
> The software will get installed in places that will get burned down in 
> the usual Carbon method to install: drag the new over the old.
> prefix, LISPDIR, and INFODIR should point towards /Library/Application\ 
> Support/Emacs or towards ~/Library/Application\ Support/Emacs to make 
> the installation persistent over a Carbon update. /Library/Application\ 
> Support/Emacs is meant for system-wide extensions, 
> ~/Library/Application\ Support/Emacs is ready for private additions. 
> INFODIR is something special and I'd put INFO files into 
> /usr/local/info or /usr/local/share/info with 'sudo make install'.

There are indeed disadvantages with putting code in the Emacs.app
application bundle.  One advantage, though, is that


doesn't have any spaces in it.  Some configure scripts die when given

"~/Library/Application Support/Emacs"

as the value of PREFIX because of the space in the string.  Probably
there's a simple quoting that could be done, but I haven't yet
investigated that and my default is to use the Emacs.app application


Jesse Alama (alama****@stanf*****)

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