[macemacsjp-english 203] Re: Carbon Emacs on non-commercial CD or DVD

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Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Wed Sep 14 08:09:28 JST 2005

Am 13.09.2005 um 15:11 schrieb Seiji Zenitani:

>> Renaming carbon-emacs-builtin-aspell.el does not allow me to use an
>> ispell dictionary -- except it is placed into
>> /usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60/ ...
> Strange. What brought you "lib/aspell-0.60/"?

It comes from /usr/local/bin/aspell. By some default the dictionary is  
set to English and I did not install the English dictionary  
/usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60. Now I have symbolic links there pointing to  
the dictionaries of CocoAspell Preference Pane.

>>> According to the previous post to this list, Fink's ispell (or
>>> aspell)
>>> does not work fine. Perhaps it's related to the fink-specific
>>> environment variables such as PATH, LIBRARY_PATH.
>> Fink's ispell works fine in every other of my Carbon or X11 or
>> nowindows Emacsen. including Aquamacs Emacs. So ispell can't be the
>> culprit.
> Examine the below elisp variables and the PATH environment variables.
> ispell-program-name
> ispell-extra-args
> exec-path
> (getenv "PATH") ;; the "PATH" environment variables

ispell-extra-args's value is nil
exec-path's value is
("/Users/pete/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/sbin" "/sbin"  
"/usr/X11R6/bin" "/usr/local/bin" "/sw/bin"  

> I think X11- and nowindow Emacsen inherits the environment variables
> from the shell. Aquamacs possibly provides additional support for fink.

Carbon Emacs inherits PATH from settings in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist.

It looks as if ispell-local-dictionary has to be set to make ispell  
work -- at least a bit. I have to check my .emacs file why some  
settings do not get used ...



   It's not the valleys in life I dread so much as the dips.
		-- 	Garfield

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