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mapdata: Resumen Repositorio

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b22393d827b8 2023-07-21 08:23:52 rdnielsen tip Modified the README for PyPI to reference Read the Docs f...
59394b24817b 2023-07-21 08:20:33 rdnielsen Changed help links to Read the Docs; correction to variab...
4ca5f0c8b3d5 2023-07-18 23:23:03 rdnielsen Added images used in documentation
bc67136dcd42 2023-07-18 23:16:15 rdnielsen Added the sunwood theme css template
bbbac8a7e670 2023-07-18 22:06:18 rdnielsen Documentation update and renamed .readthedocs.yaml so it ...
6605df73efbe 2023-07-13 03:42:22 rdnielsen Added plots of Fisher-Jenks natural breaks and enabled co...
4cfc748dbc13 2023-07-12 20:31:40 rdnielsen Corrected selection of X values for plotting Q-Q plot
fdf7c70f4d99 2023-07-12 12:48:54 rdnielsen Added a Q-Q plot
c191527f4960 2023-07-05 02:10:54 rdnielsen Added symbol bitmaps
0c36fe820963 2023-07-04 03:21:45 Dreas Nielsen Tweaks to startup on Windows

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tip b22393d827b8 2023-07-21 08:23:52 rdnielsen


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default b22393d827b8 2023-07-21 08:23:52 rdnielsen Modified the README for PyP...


mapdata.py is a viewer for geographic coordinate data read from a CSV file, spreadsheet, or database. Both a map and a data table are displayed. When a location is selected on the map, the same location is highlighted in the table, and vice-versa. Single or multiple selections may be enabled. Locations may also be selected and highlighted by writing a query expression to select rows of the data table.

example map

Coordinates should be in decimal degrees, in WGS84 (coordinate reference system [CRS] 4326), however, coordinates in other CRSs can be converted to 4326.

The map display can be customized in several ways:

  • Different raster tile servers may be used for the basemap. The default is OpenStreetMap. Several alternatives are provided, and other tile servers can be specified in a configuration file.

  • Locations identified by coordinates in the data file may be designated by different types of markers and by different colors. The default marker for locations, and the default marker used to flag selected locations can both be customized. Symbols and colors to use for location markers can be specified in a configuration file and in the data file. Different symbols and markers can be used for different selected locations.

  • Locations may be unlabeled or labeled with data values from the data file The label font, size, color, and location can all be customized.

The map can be exported to a Postscript, PNG, or JPEG file. Using command-line options, mapdata can be directed to load a data file and display location markers and then to export the map to an image file, and quit.

Selected rows in the data table can be exported to a CSV or spreadsheet file.

Data can also be displayed in several different types of plots: box plots, scatter plots, line charts, ECDF plots, Q-Q plots, Fisher-Jenks group plots, and counts of categorical and quantitative variables. Plots can use either all data or only data values that are selected in the map and table. Plots have a live connection to the data table, so when selections are changed the plots are automatically updated.

example plot

SQL commands can be used when pulling a data set from a database, to create a temporary table, for example, instead of using a base table. The SQL commands can be augmented with execsql metacommands and substitution variables.

Complete documentation is at https://mapdata.readthedocs.io/en/latest.

A configuration file template, application icons for Linux and Windows, a .desktop file for Linux, and additional bitmap symbols, are available for download from OSDN.


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