The MIDITrail project website has moved.(2023/8/23)
"MIDITrail" is a MIDI player which provides 3D visualization of MIDI datasets. You can enjoy not only listening but also viewing. MIDITrail supports SMF format 0/1, and multiple MIDI ports. MIDITrail is available for Windows, macOS and iOS.
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MIDITrail for iOS was released.
MIDITrail for iOS supports iPad, iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 5.1.
The difference between Mac OS X and iOS version is the following point.
(1) iOS version saves your view point automatically.
(2) iOS version does not support multiple ports output.
(3) You can not edit configuration files in iOS version.
MIDITrail for iOSをリリースしました。
MIDITrail for iOSは、iOS 5.1を搭載したiPad, iPhone, iPod touchで動作します。
Mac OS X版との機能差は、次の通りです。
(1) iOS版は視点を自動保存する。
(2) iOS版は複数ポート出力に対応していない。
(3) iOS版はユーザが設定ファイルを編集することができない。