Incidencia #24602

Strange leg display

Abrir Fecha: 2011-03-07 18:00 Última actualización: 2011-03-16 05:14

5 - Medium


Hello developer, thanks for the recent 0.7 release. Now the WAKE_LOCK looks good.

I found a bug about leg display. It's hard to explain. See the two pictures: Looks like the leg angle of Hatsune Miku is not right sometimes compared with MikuMikuDance.


Device: Motorola Milestone A853 (Android 2.2.1)
Model: Lat式ミクVer2.3_White.pmd
Motion: Yellow-①.vmd (Downloaded from
Time: About 00:13 - 00:20, there are many in this motion.

I know this may be hard to solve this problem. But keep up the good work. Thanks!

Ticket History (3/7 Histories)

2011-03-07 18:00 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "Strange leg display" created
2011-03-08 22:43 Updated by: ohsawa

It's a so hard problem. This bug is not appear in my environment - Nexus One(gingerbread) and Galaxy Tab(froyo).

MikuMikuDance have hard-coded angular limitation routine in leg bones, but I don't know that algorithm.

Maybe my original implementation have some singularities or simply have some bugs that not tested yet.

I'll make unit tests for IK and fix bugs but it will take a lot of time. I'm sorry for inconvenience.

2011-03-09 19:43 Updated by: None

Thanks. I don't have other devices. So maybe this is Milestone only? I can't confirm it.

I'll try another firmware (Yes, I flashed my phone) and report if it is a firmware problem.

2011-03-10 09:49 Updated by: None

I know the where the problem is! That *_mmcache.vmc in mySD Card is not correct. I tried to delete it and let MikuMikuDroid regenerate the cache, and now it looks fine.

Unfortunately I forgot to backup the old _mmcache.vmc for you to debug :-( Sorry.

I think maybe there's something wrong about computing the cache? I'm not sure. Maybe it's just a accident when creating the old error mmcache.

This is the more information I can give for now.

2011-03-11 01:24 Updated by: ohsawa

Thank you very much for your help! Your suggestion is correct and now I understand where the bug is.

_mmcache.vmc is cache file for fast motion reading. It depends on which Miku models you play with.

On the other hands, MikuMikuDroid ver 0.7/0.8 uses the same cache file when another model is loaded.

So MikuMikuDroid must regenerate new cache files when another model is applied to the same motion.

Now I'm writing codes for treating motion cache files correctly and I'll release the new version as soon as possible.

Thanks a million!

2011-03-13 03:11 Updated by: ohsawa
  • Resolución Update from Ninguno to Accepted
  • Hito Update from (Ninguno) to cache system update
2011-03-16 05:14 Updated by: ohsawa
  • Resolución Update from Accepted to Fixed
  • Estado Update from Open to Cerrado
  • Ticket Close date is changed to 2011-03-16 05:14

MikuMikuDroid v0.9 treats cache files correctly now. Please try it. I'll add menu for clearing caches later.

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