[MinGW-Users] Server 2016 - msvcrt.dll - %z formatting crash

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Clint Dovholuk clint****@netfo*****
Fri Dec 11 01:22:31 JST 2020

I tried hard to search for this answer so forgive me if I did not find the
proper thread. Basically this simple program will crash on windows server


    int main() {

        size_t val = -42;

        printf("this will crash %zd(%s)\n", val, "this is some string");

        return 0;


Msvcrt.dll and this program run fine on Windows 10 so it appears MS has
patched this particular issue in recent versions of Windows.

Does anyone know how to update Windows Server 2016 to get an
updated/patched msvcrt.dll? I've seen the threads around using UCRT but
recompiling the whole toolset seems to be overkill when all I really seem
to need is a patched msvcrt.dll in %WINDIR%\System32.

Thank you for reading

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