This Project Has Not Released Any Files
The web page are generated with Jekyll. The web is therefore static html document.
Source web page are versioned with SVN, check it out with the command:
svn co
cd bundle exec jekyll build
The generated web site is in the directory
Before building it is possible to test locally: bundle exec jekyll serve
rsync -avP --delete -e ssh _site/*
Alternatively, you can use pre-built jekyll docker image to accomplish the above. In your host:
docker run -it --name jekyll -p 4003:4000 -v /home/ckhung/jekyll:/srv/jekyll jekyll/minimal bashThis creates a docker instance named "jekyll" and maps host's /home/ckhung/jekyll directory to guest's /srv/jekyll directory. You can give svn commands in your host and jekyll commands in your guest. For example, in the guest
jekyll servewill start a web server, and you can preview the changes in the host by pointing the browser to http://localhost:4003 . The first time it takes a while to download the dependencies. After exiting the guest with d or exit, you can start and connect it again using
docker start -ai jekyll
File ownership may need to be fixed if you run docker as root.