このWikiに書かれた情報は、Risoluto1.x系に関するものです。 Risoluto1.x系は開発が終了しており、現在Risoluto2.x系の開発が進められています。
risoluto (1.3.1) | 2011-09-27 15:41 |
risoluto-upgrade (1.3.0 to 1.3.1) | 2011-10-24 15:51 |
simpleblog (1.4.0) | 2011-10-19 14:50 |
simpleblog-upgrade (1.2.0 to 1.3.0) | 2011-07-21 23:13 |
simplepage (1.3.0) | 2011-10-19 14:45 |
simplepage-upgrade (1.1.0 to 1.2.0) | 2011-07-21 23:15 |
ID values described below are managed by Risoluto Developers. When you use those ID values, it is recommended to contact us to assign a value according to the description in this document. The reason is to avoid ID value duplication which causes some problems. This assignment is not mandatory, though when a value is duplicated, the person who is assigned a value will have a priority.
Depends on the value, a range of ID for private usage may be available. For the range, a range assigned at first will have a priority. Risoluto Developers shall not manage the ID range for private usage at all. It should be managed by each Risoluto system administrator individually.
It is a unique number assigned to each Flavor development source so that the system can identify each as different sources. Risoluto Developers recognize a Flavor development source having assigned vender_id as a Flavor development source. Risoluto Developers will make no guarantee for the source and developed Flavor at all, regardless of its explicitness or implicitness, it may be however one of the criteria for each Risoluto administrator whether s/he will adopt the Flavor or not (Note that this information is easy to change).
If you would like us to assign vender_id, please contact to id:yuta_hayakawa or id:wanibuchi (also let us know the name to be assigned). When we found any problems, we'll get back to you, then, please cope with the problems. Any individuals, groups and companies are assignable. It does not matter if the product is for enterprise, free/open software.
When there is no problem anymore, vender_id will be assigned. The information associated with this ID will be added into master table by Risoluto Developers in the next release.
Current assigned vender_id list is available here. This list is updated periodically.
vender_id | vender_name |
0 | Risoluto Developers |
1 | HYEC.ORG |
flavor_id is a unique number assigned to each Flavor development source so that the system can identify the development source. Risoluto Developers recognize a Flavor development source having assigned flavor_id as a Flavor development source. Risoluto Developers will make no guarantee for the source and developed Flavor at all, regardless of its explicitness or implicitness, It may be however one of the criteria whether each administrator of each Risoluto will adopt the Flavor or not (Note that this information is easy to change).
Before flavor_id assignment, vender_id should have been assigned. Moreover, the Flavor which uses the ID should be in the state that it is available to the pubic in general. When the Flavor is in this state, please contact to id:yuta_hayakawa or id:wanibuchi (let us know the URL where we can download the Flavor as well as name, abstract and author of the Flavor).
After contacting from you, Risoluto Developers will check the Flavor. Published Flavor should work on at least 2 Risoluto systems. In this evaluation, in principle, the latest stable version of Risolute will be used. And the Flavor will pass the evaluation if it works on the standard Risoluto system used by Risoluto Developers and one other system. Generally, "the other system" means the system which is used for the development of the Flavor (normally, when it is asked us to assign, it should work on the development source, thus if it works on Risoluto Developers system, it will pass). There are some cases to check other things. When we found any problems, we'll get back to you, then, please cope with the problems.
When there aren’t any problems found anymore, flavor_id will be assigned. The information associated with this ID will be added into master table by Risoluto Developers in the next release.
Current assigned flavor_id list is available here. This list is updated periodically.
flavor_id | flavor_name |
0 | Risoluto |
1 | Admin |
2 | Admin.User |
3 | Admin.Site |
4 | SimplePage |
5 | SimpleBlog |
6 | SimpleNews |
Risoluto standard distribution includes Admin.Site Flavor. This Flavor includes mechanism to manage HTML headers on each display which exist in Risoluto system. This management mechanism uses unique number named as "header_id" so that the system can identify each header’s information. To manage HTML headers in each Flavor with using this management mechanism, it is required to assign this ID.
To assign this ID, all you need to do is to contact id:yuta_hayakawa or id:wanibuchi (let us know applicable Act and Cage information). It is not mandatory to assign vender_id or flavor_id beforehand, when name of Act or Cage is duplicated, the person who has assigned vender_id or flavor_id regardless of the time order when header_id has assigned.
If you would like to use this management mechanism without assignment, please use "2147483647~4294967295" as ID value. This value will be unique in one Risoluto system. But it is not guaranteed to be usable in anytime and every Risoluto system.
The information associated with this ID will be added into master table by Risoluto Developers in the next release.
Current assigned header_id list is available here. This list is updated periodically.
header_id | act | cage |
0 | (default header) | (default header) |
1 | welcome | welcome |
2 | error | error |
3 | servicestop | servicestop |
4 | login | admin |
5 | logout | admin |
6 | menu | admin |
7 | userlist | admin.user |
8 | useradd_entry | admin.user |
9 | useradd_confirm | admin.user |
10 | useradd_complete | admin.user |
11 | usermod_entry | admin.user |
12 | usermod_confirm | admin.user |
13 | usermod_complete | admin.user |
14 | userdel_confirm | admin.user |
15 | userdel_complete | admin.user |
16 | sitestat_select | admin.site |
17 | sitestat_confirm | admin.site |
18 | sitestat_complete | admin.site |
19 | headerlist | admin.site |
20 | headeradd_entry | admin.site |
21 | headeradd_confirm | admin.site |
22 | headeradd_complete | admin.site |
23 | headermod_entry | admin.site |
24 | headermod_confirm | admin.site |
25 | headermod_complete | admin.site |
26 | headerdel_confirm | admin.site |
27 | headerdel_complete | admin.site |
28 | pagelist | simplepage |
29 | pageview | simplepage |
30 | pageadd_entry | simplepage |
31 | pageadd_confirm | simplepage |
32 | pageadd_complete | simplepage |
33 | pagemod_entry | simplepage |
34 | pagemod_confirm | simplepage |
35 | pagemod_complete | simplepage |
36 | pagedel_confirm | simplepage |
37 | pagedel_complete | simplepage |
38 | grouplist | admin.user |
39 | groupadd_entry | admin.user |
40 | groupadd_confirm | admin.user |
41 | groupadd_complete | admin.user |
42 | groupmod_entry | admin.user |
43 | groupmod_confirm | admin.user |
44 | groupmod_complete | admin.user |
45 | groupdel_confirm | admin.user |
46 | groupdel_complete | admin.user |
47 | bloglist | simpleblog |
48 | blogview | simpleblog |
49 | blogadd_entry | simpleblog |
50 | blogadd_confirm | simpleblog |
51 | blogadd_complete | simpleblog |
52 | blogmod_entry | simpleblog |
53 | blogmod_confirm | simpleblog |
54 | blogmod_complete | simpleblog |
55 | blogdel_confirm | simpleblog |
56 | blogdel_complete | simpleblog |
57 | blogcomment | simpleblog |
58 | uploadlist | admin.site |
59 | uploadviewer | admin.site |
60 | commentlist | simpleblog |
61 | trackbacklist | simpleblog |
Risoluto standard distribution includes Admin.Site Flavor.This Flavor includes group information which is used in Risoluto system. Each group has unique number named as "group_id" so that system can identify the group. To add group information in Risoluto system, it is required to assign this ID.
To assign this ID, all you need to do is to contact id:yuta_hayakawa or id:wanibuchi (let us know the information of the group name). It is not mandatory to assign vender_id or flavor_id beforehand, when it is duplicated, the one which has assigned at first will have a first priority. In principle, the group which is not included in Risoluto standard distribution will not be supported officially.
If you would like to use this ID without assignment, please use "2147483647~4294967295" as ID value. This value will be unique in one Risoluto system. But it is not guaranteed to be usable in anytime and every Risoluto system.
The information associated with this ID will be added into master table by Risoluto Developers in the next release.
Current assigned group_id list is available here. This list is updated periodically.
group_id | group_name |
0 | Supervisors |
1 | Admins |
2 | Users |
3 | Guests |
Risoluto standard distribution includes Admin.Site Flavor.This Flavor includes group information which is used in Risoluto system. Each group has unique number named as "user_id" so that system can identify. To add group information in Risoluto system, it is required to assign this ID.
To assign this ID, all you need to do is to contact id:yuta_hayakawa or id:wanibuchi (let us know the information of the group name). It is not mandatory to assign vender_id or flavor_id beforehand, when it is duplicated, the one which has assigned at first will have a first priority. In principle, the group which is not included in Risoluto standard distribution will not be supported officially. And “Supervisors” can not be set as a group.
If you would like to use this ID without assignment, please use "2147483647~4294967295" as ID value. This value will be unique in one Risoluto system. But it is not guaranteed to be usable in anytime and every Risoluto system.
The information associated with this ID will be added into master table by Risoluto Developers in the next release.
Current assigned user_id list is available here. This list is updated periodically.
user_id | user_name |
0 | Supervisor |
LastUpdate: 2010-03-26 11:42:39, ModifiedBy: onionchivecat
Creative Commons 2.1 Attribution-ShareAlike
view:all, edit:members, delete/config:members