2013年 10月 1日 (火) 07:57:42 JST
SHELL PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY {SPDC} IN COLLABRATION WITH AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY UNITED KINGDOM. 80 Strand London WC2R 0ZA United Kingdom Pin: 50006, Winning no: KB8701 CONGRATULATIONS!!! OFFICIAL WINNING NOTIFICATION Dear winner, Winner in the 2nd category of our Shell Management free Net promotional award draws held on 8th May 2013. I am writing in respect to your award winning prize of £900,000.00 Pounds (Nine Hundred Thousand Pound Only) which you won through the email ballot draws in our Shell Management promotion award in 8th May 2013 in the second category prize winnings category. We wish to inform you that your total prize money of £900,000.00 Pounds has been returned to us by our claims delivery company as unclaimed prize after their initial letter to your address for your award payment was not successful. You are hereby requested to contact our Treasury Bank Officer paying bank with the information below: Mr.Hans Bruce for your immediate award payment. You are here by requested to contact our Paying Bank Treasury Officer on his email address below for you r immediate payment. Treasury officer's name: Mr. Hans Bruce Bank Name: Intercontinental Bank Plc United Kingdom Email: inter****@live***** Tel: +00447031740551 So refer this to him and contact him immediately for your unclaimed lotto prize payment to you. You should contact our Paying Bank Treasury Officer as directed above for your payment, and do notify me as soon as you received your payment from our Treasurer. Please note: You have to reconfirm your full details to him such as: 1. Name in full: .. 2. Address: .. 3. Nationality: 4. Age/Sex: . 5. Occupation: . 6. Phone/Fax: . 7. Present Country: Thanks, Mrs. Susan Molar (President; Int'l Promotion Award Org.) ANY BREACH OF CONFIDENTIALITY ON THE PART OF THE WINNERS WILL RESULT TO DISQUALIFICATION. WINNING RESULT MUST BE KEPT SECRET TO AVOID DOUBLE CLAIM WHICH WILL RESULT TO YOUR LOST OF PACKAGE.